This website assesses the interactivity between squirrels and humans specifically, in Central Park in 2018. We thought this would be interesting because Mary is from New York and Caz is from New Jersey, so we are both familiar with central park squirrels. Our data sources give us two main types of data. The physical description of the squirrels and the actions of the squirrel. Examples of physical characteristics are the age, color, time of day, and location of the squirrel. Examples of actions of the squirrel include what it is currently doing (running, climbing, eatting) and what it does when it sees the human (tail twitches, moans, quas, runs away). We use the physical data within the data set to find correlations and trends with the squirrels behavior. Data such as location and color and age can be used to analyze different behaviors and activities of the squirrels. We hope to do so in order to make educated conclusions about squirrel behavior.